
Animal Energy® Level 2 Confidential Session Feedback

**All fields must be completed.

**IMPORTANT: Please check with the Practitioner to find out which email they used when they registered for the certification program and USE that email when submitting this form. This is how we identify them in our system. Thank you.

Animal Energy® Practitioner First and Last Name

Animal Energy® Practitioner's E-mail

**Please click the arrow button in the bottom right corner.

1. Do you feel your Animal Energy® Practitioner had a good connection with your animal companion(s)?

2. Did your Animal Energy® Practitioner communicate helpful information to you?

3. Did your Animal Energy® Practitioner provide energy healing for your animal?

4. Was your initial concern addressed and (if possible) resolved?

5. Did you leave the session with a sense of understanding regarding your issue or concern (or do you feel better able to cope with, resolve or address your issue or concern)?

6. Were you treated in a professional and courteous manner?

7. Is there anything else you wish to share about your session (did you have any expectations that were not met, any additional comments or suggestions on how the experience could be improved)?

8. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your Animal Energy® session (1 being poor, 10 being fabulous)?

9. If you would like to provide a testimonial for your Animal Energy® Practitioner to use on their website, social media, etc. please enter it below.

(IMPORTANT: Anything you enter in this box WILL be sent to your practitioner. If you don't want to include a testimonial, please type NONE in all caps.)

Thank you for your feedback!

Once you have completed all of the information on this form, please click the "SUBMIT" button in the bottom right corner.

© Live Your Divine Life LLC. All rights reserved. This page was created with a lot of ♥ specifically for you as a conscious animal loving spiritual seeker wanting to deepen your connection to animals and all of life.

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Support: [email protected] | (918) 973-4988